South Skyline FireSafe Council says “Thank You” to Ken MacLean John DeLong, SSFSC Long-time SSFSC president, Ken MacLean, was thanked recently for his many years of service to the organization. Ken joined the FireSafe Council during the first year of its formation in 2009, and served as its president for the past 8 years. Ken and his wife Ellen were long-time residents of Oak Ridge Road and he also served as that road association president for a number of years. Last year, they sold the Oak Ridge home and moved to a Sonoma County retirement community. He continued serving as president of our organization for many months afterwards. Over the past 5 years, Ken ran the SSFSC meetings over ZOOM, often jokingly referring to its gallery view as Hollywood Squares. Because of that, the SSFSC board presented Ken with a plaque depicting him in front of some of the regular SSFSC meeting attendees arrayed in a Hollywood Squares design. Thank you Ken for all of your years of service to the South Skyline community and the SSFSC!