Central Coast Prescribed Burn Association in cooperation with the RCD Santa Cruz Co, are happy to invite you to a How to Safely Pile Burn workshop in Boulder Creek, Saturday January 28th.
Pile burning is an important tool for homeowners creating defensible space in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). As such, we will demonstrate all the important steps of burning in the tri-county area: building the pile, permits that are necessary, safely burning and how-to simply make Biochar. In addition, the discussion will dive into the subjects of: wildfire defensible space and post wildfire restoration/ ecology (as the site is within the CZU wildfire footprint). These collaborative workshops do not require any previous experience and are perfect for both the backyard burner and the professional land steward.
The workshop will feature roughly 2 hours of instruction in the morning and be followed by an optional, landowner lead work party through the afternoon.
For questions contact Jared Childress (childress.ember@gmail.com)
Time: 09:30 workshop, 12:30 work party (landowner lead and optional)
Cost: Free
Sign up HERE
CCPBA Pile Burn workshop flier HERE